Conference papers are scientific articles
presenting concepts and structures, models, research results, or findings showing how the demands of particular application areas shape the way generic research is translated into practical innovation
Accepted submissions will be included in the Conference proceedings
to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) or Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series
Present your scientific work to a large audience of HCI academics, researchers and professionals
through a 20-minute presentation, in the context of a 2-hour thematic parallel session
Conference papers are scientific articles
presenting concepts and structures, models, research results, or findings showing how the demands of particular application areas shape the way generic research is translated into practical innovation
Accepted submissions will be included in the Conference proceedings
to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) or Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series
Present your scientific work to a large audience of HCI academics, researchers and practitioners
through a 20-minute presentation, in the context of a 2-hour thematic parallel session
Guidelines for Authors
Abstract length:
800 words
Deadline for abstract submission:
18 October 2024 (extended deadline)
Notification of review outcome:
9 December 2024 (new date)
Deadline for camera-ready submission:
31 January 2025
Camera-ready paper length:
Typically 12 pages, but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages
Deadline for author registration:
14 February 2025
Paper proposals should include a statement of the objective and significance of the proposed presentation, a description of methods and a discussion of results:
- papers in the theoretical category: dealing with models, concepts, and structures;
- papers in the generic category: presenting research results of broad applicability; and
- papers in the applied category: showing how the demands of particular application areas shape the way generic research is translated into practical innovation.
Prospective authors submit extended abstracts (800 words) of papers in one of the Conference Thematic Areas. The abstract can be submitted in either DOCX or PDF format, but no special formatting guidelines apply in this stage. References, tables and figures are acceptable in the abstract. References are in addition to the 800-words limit.
Following a peer-review process, a decision is communicated to the authors. The review process of the HCI International Conference is single-blind (reviewers will be provided with authors' details). The name and contact details of the author(s) that are associated with the abstract are given to the reviewers.
After acceptance, the camera-ready version of full papers (typically 12 pages but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages) should be submitted both in an editable format, like the freeware LaTeX or Microsoft Word (docx), and in PDF format. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the LaTeX format, which provides greater control of the layout, better typesetting of formulas, and effortless consistency of the final PDF that will be forwarded for publication. Guidelines for the camera-ready preparation and submission, as well as the LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates by Springer, are available.
Registration Regulation
In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the Conference, multiple submissions by single authors cannot be accepted. Co-authors may appear on multiple papers, but each accepted paper, or poster, with multiple co-authors should have a different Conference registrant.
For paper presentation at the Conference and inclusion of the full paper in the Proceedings, one registration per submission is required by 14 February 2024.