HCII2025 Student Design Competition

Present your design idea to an international committee

Present your novel idea in a simple, concise and visually appealing manner

Your work included in an accepted paper or poster, can be also submitted for the competition

Publish your work with Springer and also participate in the competition

All accepted desing ideas will be presented during the Conference

All accepted video clips will be presented during a special session

Potential contributors

The competition is open to College and University undergraduate and graduate students of all grades.

Submit a design

Students are invited to submit an up to 5-minute video clip and an abstract (300 words) summarizing their design idea

Deadline for Submission: 7 March 2025

Submit your idea

Submit a design

Students are invited to submit an up to 5-minute video clip and an abstract (300 words) summarizing their design idea

Deadline for Submission: 7 March 2025

Submit your idea

Present your design idea to an international committee

Present your novel idea in a simple, concise and visually appealing manner

Your work included in an accepted paper or poster, can be also submitted for the competition

Publish your work with Springer and also participate in the competition

All accepted desing ideas will be presented during the Conference

All accepted video clips will be presented during a special session

Potential contributors

The competition is open to College and University undergraduate and graduate students of all grades.

Selection Process and Awards

An international committee will be the jury.

  • All video clip submissions accepted for the Student Design Competition will be presented during the Conference.
  • Three submissions will be awarded. Each awardee will receive a plaque and a certificate.
  • The GOLD student design awardee will also receive the prize of $1000 USD, the SILVER $500 USD and the BRONZE $250 USD.
  • The awards will be conferred during the Conference.

Notification of acceptance of students' submissions for their video presentation during the Conference will be made by the 4th of April 2025. The award recipients will be notified by the 30th of May 2025.


Three prizes will be awarded:

GOLD - $1000 USD



Submission Guidelines

Video duration:
up to 5 minutes

Abstract length:
300 words

Deadline for submission:
7 March 2025

Notification of review outcome:
4 April 2025

Deadline for author registration:
25 April 2025

All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.

The competition is open to College and University undergraduate and graduate students of all grades. In order to participate in the competition, students are invited to submit:

  • An up to 5-minute video clip in MP4 format that presents their design idea, including statements and elaboration of the objective, method, innovation and outcome, together with an accompanying closed-captioning file (in .srt format * ).

  • An abstract up to 300 words, summarising their design idea. The abstract can be submitted in either DOCX or PDF format, but no special formatting guidelines apply.

Students who have already submitted their work to the Conference (e.g., as a paper or as a poster) are cordially invited also to participate in the Student Design Competition.

Video Specifications

  • Duration: up to 5-minutes
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 minimum with 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Frame rate: 30 fps maximum
  • Format: H.264 encoded MP4
  • File size: 200 MB maximum

  * Creating closed-captioning files is a straightforward process, and you have a few options to choose from: i) manually create the closed-captioning file using a text editor or an editor for video subtitles (e.g. nikse), ii) utilize online tools such as Flixier or Rev, which offer convenient captioning capabilities, iii) use Adobe Premiere’s automated speech-to-text feature, or iv) download auto-generated captions from platforms such as Zoom or YouTube. If you opt for an automatic solution, make sure to manually review the obtained subtitles and synchronize them if needed.
Furthermore, ensure that the length of the subtitles does not obscure the content and reduces visibility. If needed, break the subtitles into more manageable segments, so that the viewers will be able to easily read and comprehend the content without any visibility challenges.

Registration Regulation

For design submissions in the Student Design Competition that have been accepted for presentation during the Conference, one of the contributing students, needs to register for the Conference, by 25 April 2025.

The Conference registration policy limiting the number of individual submissions does not apply for the participation in the Student Design Competition.