UAHCI 2025, an affiliated Conference of the HCI International Conference, at its 19th edition, provides an established international forum for the exchange and dissemination of scientific information on theoretical, methodological and empirical research that addresses all issues related to the attainment of universal access in the development of interactive software. It comprehensively addresses accessibility and high quality of interaction in the user interface development life-cycle in a multidisciplinary perspective.

The 19th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI) intends to help, promote and encourage research in this field by providing a forum for interaction and exchanges among researchers, academics, and practitioners in the field. The Conference solicits papers on the design, development, evaluation, use, and impact of user interfaces, as well as standardization, policy and other non-technological issues that facilitate and promote universal access.

Call for participation leaflet (52KB)

Submit your Paper Proposal

(Please create an account to the Conference Management System before you proceed with the submission)

The related topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Access to cultural heritage
  • Access to education and learning
  • Access to health technologies
  • Access to mobile interaction
  • Access to on-line communities and eServices
  • Access to the Internet of Things
  • Access to the Web
  • Accessibility guidelines
  • Accessibility of Smart and Intelligent Environments
  • Accessible games
  • Accessible documents and multimedia
  • Accessible security and privacy
  • Accessible Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Accessible wearable interaction
  • Adaptive and augmented interaction
  • Alternative I/O techniques
  • Artificial Intelligence for Universal Access
  • Assistive Environments
  • Assistive Robots
  • Architectures and tools for universal access
  • Avatar and Sign Language Technologies
  • Collective intelligence for Universal Access
  • Context-awareness for universal access
  • Conversational Interaction for Universal Access
  • Design for Aging
  • Design for All best practice
  • Design for All education and training
  • Design for All in automotive industry
  • Design for All methods, techniques and tools
  • Design for Children with and without disabilities
  • Design for Cognitive Disabilities
  • Design for well-being and eudaimonia
  • Design for Quality of Life Technologies
  • Emotional and affective interaction for Universal Access
  • Evaluation of Accessibility, Usability, and User Experience
  • Eye-tracking in user experience research
  • Inclusive affective technologies
  • Intelligent rehabilitation technologies
  • Interaction science for Universal Access
  • Interaction personalization
  • Interaction techniques, platforms and metaphors
  • Ludic engagement
  • Media Accessibility
  • Mobility and way-finding
  • Modality-independent and multimodal interaction
  • Multi-sensory interfaces
  • Personal Informatics for Universal Access
  • Positive design
  • Quality of life technologies
  • Universal Access and Accessibility requirements, problems and solutions during pandemic lockdown
  • Universal Access Development methods
  • Universal Access to AI-enabled technologies
  • User, context and interaction modeling for Universal Access
  • User, context and interaction monitoring for Universal Access
  • User Interface adaptation for universal access
  • Program Chair


    Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Greece

  • Program Chair


    University of Crete /
    Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Greece

  • Board Members

  • Basel Barakat
    University of Sunderland, United Kingdom
  • Joao Barroso
    INESC TEC and UTAD, Portugal
  • Ingo Bosse
    University of Teacher Education in Special Needs, Germany
  • Laura Burzagli
    CNR-IFAC, Italy
  • Pedro Cardoso
    Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
  • Silvia Ceccacci
    University of Macerata, Italy
  • Nicole Darmawaskita
    Arizona State University, United States
  • Carlos Duarte
    Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Pier Luigi Emiliani
    National Research Council of Italy, Italy
  • Andrina Granic
    University of Split, Faculty of Science, Croatia
  • Gian Maria Greco
    Università di Macerata, Italy
  • Simeon Keates
    University of Chichester, United Kingdom
  • Georgios Kouroupetroglou
    National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
  • Barbara Leporini
    University of Pisa, Italy
  • Daniela Marghitu
    Auburn University, United States
  • Jorge Martin-Gutierrez
    Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
  • Silvia Mirri
    University of Bologna, Italy
  • Federica Pallavicini
    Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy
  • Joao Rodrigues
    University of the Algarve, Portugal
  • Frode Eika Sandnes
    Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
  • J. Andres Sandoval-Bringas
    Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, Mexico
  • Muhammad Shoaib
    University College Cork, Ireland
  • Hiroki Takada
    University of Fukui, Japan
  • Philippe Truillet
    Université de Toulouse, France
  • Kevin Tseng
    National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
  • Gerhard Weber
    TU Dresden, Germany

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The HCI International Conference respects the decisions of all its contributors, engaged in any way, regarding their institutional affiliations and designations of territories, in all material / content published in its website, taking a neutral stance in relation to any disputes or claims. Moreover, the HCI International Conference fully concurs with the Territorial Neutrality Policy of Springer Nature, Publisher of its proceedings.