SCSM 2025 is an affiliated Conference of the HCI International Conference and is in its 17th edition. The Conference provides an established international forum for the exchange and dissemination of scientific information related to social computing and social media. It addresses a broad spectrum of issues expanding our understanding of current and future issues in social computing and social media. The Conference welcomes qualitative and quantitative research papers on a diverse range of topics.

Call for participation leaflet (46KB)

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The related topics include, but are not limited to:

  • AI in social media
  • Community Engagement and Services
  • Computer Mediated Communication
  • Culture and social media
  • Consumers in social computing and social media
  • Design and evaluation methodologies for social computing and social media
  • Education and the use of social computing and social media
  • E-democracy and political engagement, public affairs
  • Enterprise social media
  • Ethical and legal issues in social computing and social media
  • Friends and family groups
  • Gaming, including MMORP communities
  • Health and fitness communities
  • Human resource management in social computing and social media
  • Infrastructure for social computing and social media
  • Language in social computing and social media
  • Large scale conversations
  • Learning and collaboration
  • Mobile social computing and social media
  • Multicultural aspects in social computing and social media
  • Online special interest communities
  • Social identity and presence
  • Policies in social computing and social media
  • Privacy and security in social computing and social media
  • Social eCommerce
  • Social live streaming
  • Social media management
  • Social media software
  • Social modeling
  • Social network analysis
  • Social neighborhoods
  • Social signal processing
  • Trust and reputation in social computing and social media
  • User experience, user behavior, user interface in social computing and social media
  • User generated content (wikis, blogs, etc.)
  • Universal access and usability in social computing and social media
  • Visualizing social interaction
  • Virtual worlds
  • Program Chair

    Adela Coman

    University of Bucharest, Romania

  • Program Chair

    Simona Vasilache

    University of Tsukuba, Japan

  • Board Members

  • Francisco Javier Alvarez-Rodriguez
    Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico
  • Andria Andriuzzi
    Université Jean Monnet, France
  • Karine Berthelot-Guiet
    Sorbonne University, France
  • James Braman
    Community College of Baltimore County, United States
  • Magdalena Brzezinska
    WSB Merito University, Poland
  • Adheesh Budree
    University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Hung-Hsuan Huang
    The University of Fukuchiyama, Japan
  • Ajrina Hysaj
    University of Wollongong in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Ayaka Ito
    Reitaku University, Japan
  • Jeannie Lee
    Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
  • Gabriele Meiselwitz
    Towson University, United States
  • Takashi Namatame
    Chuo University, Japan
  • Harry Nguyen
    University College Cork, Ireland
  • Kohei Otake
    Sophia University, Japan
  • Daniela Quinones
    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
  • Cristian Rusu
    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
  • Virginica Rusu
    Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile
  • Tomislav Stipancic
    University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Yuanqiong Wang
    Towson University, United States

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The HCI International Conference respects the decisions of all its contributors, engaged in any way, regarding their institutional affiliations and designations of territories, in all material / content published in its website, taking a neutral stance in relation to any disputes or claims. Moreover, the HCI International Conference fully concurs with the Territorial Neutrality Policy of Springer Nature, Publisher of its proceedings.