HIMI 2025, a Thematic Area of the 27th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2025), addresses topics related to information and data design, retrieval, presentation and visualization, management and evaluation in Human Computer Interaction, in a variety of application domains, such as, for example, learning, work, decision, collaboration, medical support and service engineering.

This area of research is acquiring rapidly increasing importance towards developing new and more effective types of human interfaces addressing the new emerging challenges, and evaluating their effectiveness. The ultimate goal is for information to be provided in such a way as to satisfy human needs and enhance quality of life.

Call for participation leaflet (41KB)

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The related topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Service Engineering:
    • Business Integration
    • Community Computing
    • E-commerce
    • E-learning and e-education
    • Harmonized Work
    • IoT and Human Behavior
    • Knowledge Management
    • Organizational Design and Management
    • Service Applications
    • Service Design
    • Sustainable Design
    • User Experience Design
  • New HI (Human Interface) and Human of QOL (Quality of Life):
    • Electric Instrumentation
    • Evaluating Information
    • Health Promotion
    • E-health and its Application
    • Human Centered Organization
    • Legal Issues in IT
    • Mobile Networking
    • Disasters and HCI
  • Information in VR, AR and MR:
    • Application of VR, AR, and MR in Human Activity
    • Art with New Technology
    • Digital Museum
    • Gesture/movement Studies
    • New Haptic and Tactile Interaction
    • Information of Presentation
    • Multimodal Interaction
    • Sense of Embodiment (SoE) in VR and HCI
  • AI, Human Performance and Collaboration:
    • Automatic Driving Vehicles
    • Collaborative Work
    • Data Visualization and Big Data
    • Decision Support Systems
    • Human AI Collaboration
    • Human Robot Interaction
    • Humanization of Work
    • Intellectual Property
    • Intelligent System
    • Medical Information System and Its Application
    • Participatory Design
  • Program Chair


    Tokyo City University, Japan

  • Program Chair

    Yumi Asahi

    Tokyo University of Science, Japan

  • Board Members

  • Takako Akakura
    Tokyo University of Science, Japan
  • Shin'ichi Fukuzumi
    Riken, Japan
  • Michitaka Hirose
    The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Chen-Chiung Hsieh
    Tatung University, Taiwan
  • Yasushi Ikei
    The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Yen-Yu Kang
    National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
  • Keiko Kasamatsu
    Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
  • Daiji Kobayashi
    Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
  • Yusuke Kometani
    Kagawa University, Japan
  • Yuichi Mori
    Okayama University of Science, Japan
  • Ryosuke Saga
    Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan
  • Katsunori Shimohara
    Doshisha University, Japan
  • Tomio Watanabe
    Okayama Prefectural University, Japan
  • Takehiko Yamaguchi
    Suwa University of Science, Japan

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The HCI International Conference respects the decisions of all its contributors, engaged in any way, regarding their institutional affiliations and designations of territories, in all material / content published in its website, taking a neutral stance in relation to any disputes or claims. Moreover, the HCI International Conference fully concurs with the Territorial Neutrality Policy of Springer Nature, Publisher of its proceedings.