Computer games have grown above and beyond simple entertainment activities. Researchers and practitioners have attempted to utilize games in many innovative ways such as educational games, therapeutic games, simulation games, and gamification of utilitarian applications. Although much attention has been drawn to investigate positive impact of games in recent years, prior research has only studied isolated fragments of a game system. More research on games is called on in order to develop and utilize games for the benefit of society.

At a high level, a game system has three basic elements: system input, process, and system outcome. System input concerns the external factors impacting the game system. It may include, but is not limited to, player personalities and motivations to play games. The process is about game mechanism and play experience. System outcome includes the effects of game play. There is no doubt that users are involved in all three elements. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) plays a critical role in the study of games. By examining player characteristics, interactions during game play, and behavioral implications of game play, HCI professionals can help design and develop better games for the society.

The 7th International Conference on HCI in Games (HCI-Games) intends to help, promote and encourage research in this field by providing a forum for interaction and exchanges among researchers, academics, and practitioners in the fields of HCI and games. The Conference addresses HCI principles, methods and tools for better games.

Call for participation leaflet (47KB)

Submit your Paper Proposal

(Please create an account to the Conference Management System before you proceed with the submission)

The related topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Serious games
  • Simulation games
  • Game based learning / Games for learning
  • Games and Society
  • Edutainment /Education games
  • Video games
  • Mobile games
  • Social network games
  • Multiplayer games /MMORPGs
  • Interaction design of games
  • Therapeutic games
  • Digital games/Online games
  • Computer games
  • Gamification
  • Game enjoyment/addiction
  • Player personality, characteristics and demographics
  • Gender and games
  • Game and flow /Game immersion
  • Playfulness
  • Design tools/technologies
  • Development methodology
  • Impact of game play
  • Playful generation of game mechanics
  • Persuasive games
  • Crowdsourcing games
  • Healthcare and games
  • Fitness gaming
  • Gameplay and well being
  • Neurogames
  • Virtual and augmented reality games
  • Games and Cultural identities
  • Game data analytics
  • Game improvement
  • Game accessibility
  • Game psychology
  • Marketing games
  • Innovative input devices
  • Adaptive gamification
  • Games and AI
  • Emotional interaction design in Games
  • Alternate reality games
  • Long term gamification
  • Program Chair

    Xiaowen Fang

    DePaul University, USA

  • Board Members

  • Amir Zaib Abbasi
    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
  • Saeed Abooleet
    Najran University, Saudi Arabia
  • Barbara Caci
    University of Palermo, Italy
  • Benjamin Cowley
    University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Khaldoon Dhou
    Texas A&M University-Central Texas, Canada
  • Reza Hadi Mogavi
    University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Xiaolan Huang
    Southern Illinois University Carbondale, United States
  • Kevin Keeker
    Sony Interactive Entertainment, United Kingdom
  • Daniel Riha
    Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Owen Schaffer
    Elmhurst University, United States
  • Jason Schklar
    UX is Fine, United States
  • Chaoguang Wang
    Huddersfield University, United Kingdom
  • Hanan Makki Zakari
    Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Saudi Arabia
  • Fan Zhao
    Florida Gulf Coast University, United States

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