Poster extended abstract preparation
Camera-ready poster extended abstracts shall have typically 6 pages (no more than 11 and no less than 4), and must be written in the form of self-contained short research papers.
All authors are kindly asked to follow the Instructions for Authors document from Springer for the preparation of their manuscripts. This document summarizes how a proceedings paper should be structured, how elements (headings, figures, references) should be formatted using predefined styles, etc. It also gives some insight on how a paper will be typeset at Springer.
Authors are kindly advised to pay attention to Springer's Book Publishing Policies (which include the ‘AI Policies and Guidance’ and the ‘Code of Conduct for Book Authors’)
Users of LaTeX
Authors are strongly encouraged to use the LaTeX format, which provides greater control of the layout, better typesetting of formulas, and effortless consistency of the final PDF that will be forwarded for publication.
Authors who wish to use LaTeX2e for the preparation of their manuscript should download the corresponding support file available by Springer and check the included readme.txt file for further instructions.
Users of MS Word
Authors should make use of the available MS Word template, which incorporates all the recommended formatting guidelines:
Template supporting MS-Word. Instructions for installing and using the author template are also available.
Note: Authors may wish to consider opening the document splnproc2311.docm and overwrite its sample contents with their data. They can then use the buttons of the template’s custom ribbon to format additional elements.
Users of Mac
Mac users could try the support file provided by Springer.
Each contribution must be accompanied by the Springer 'License to Publish' form. With this form, authors will grant to the publisher Springer the right to publish the paper. This will ensure the widest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws.
- The corresponding author (one per submission), who must match the corresponding author marked in the header of the paper, must have the full right, power, and authority to sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on their behalf.
- Modified forms are not acceptable.
- The field "Volume Editor(s) Name(s)" should be left blank.
- The “Proposed Title of the Contribution” (i.e., paper title) and the "Author(s) Full Name(s)" fields should match exactly the title and the list of authors of the paper.
- Machine-typed signatures and digital signatures are NOT acceptable by Springer.
Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format before their poster is submitted to Springer.
Submissions details
Authors of accepted submissions are requested to submit their final, camera-ready poster extended abstract, for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings, by 23 May 2025 via the Conference Management System (CMS):
- Final source files (MS Word in DOC or DOCX, or LaTeX, including figures) of their manuscript.
- Final PDF file corresponding exactly to the final source files.
- A scanned copy of a filled in and signed License to Publish form as a PDF file.
- The name and e-mail address of the contact co-author (Corresponding Author) who will check the proof of their paper. This should match the name included in the License to Publish from.
Please contact the Program Administration for any further information or clarifications.