User experience (UX) refers to an individual’s thinking, feeling, and behavior when using interactive systems. UX design becomes fundamentally important in new and emerging mobile, ubiquitous, and omnipresent computer-based contexts. The scope of design, user experience and usability (DUXU) encompass all aspects of the user’s interaction with a product or service, including how it is perceived, learned, and used. It addresses design knowledge, methods, and practices, with a focus on deeply human-centered processes. Usability, usefulness, and appeal are fundamental requirements for effective user experience design.

The Conference solicits papers reporting results, covering a broad range of research and development activities on a variety of related topics, from professionals (for example, designers, software engineers, marketers, business leaders), academics, and researchers in fields such as AI, architecture, financial/wealth management, game design, graphic design, finance, healthcare, industrial design, mobile technology, psychology, travel, and vehicles.

Call for participation leaflet (46KB)

Submit your Paper Proposal

(Please create an account to the Conference Management System before you proceed with the submission)

The related topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Accessibility, illiterate users, differently able
  • Aging
  • Anthropology, ethnography
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human-Centered AI
  • Branding, marketing
  • Chart, map, wayfinding, diagram design
  • Color, image, signage, icon design
  • Creativity
  • Design thinking, philosophy, patterns
  • Design/evaluation
  • Diversity: women, children, elderly, gender, people of color
  • Emerging Technologies
  • DUXU in Africa, China, and Middle East
  • Education, training
  • Emotion, motivation, persuasion design
  • Ethics, politics, social, racial issues
  • Gamification, especially in enterprise applications
  • Globalization, localization, culture issues
  • Financial products/services
  • Health and DUXU
  • Health, Covid-19
  • Heuristics, personas, use scenarios
  • History of HCI, UX
  • Information/knowledge design/visualization
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Management of DUXU processes, maturity models
  • Metaphor, mental-model, navigation design
  • Mobile products/services
  • Personalities, psychology
  • Persuasive technology
  • Robots, AI agents
  • Sci-Fi, speculative fiction, future trends
  • Search design
  • Semiotics: sign/symbol/icon design
  • Service design
  • Program Chair

    Martin Schrepp

    SAP SE, Hockenheim, Germany

  • Board Members

  • Ahmad Alhuwwari
    UX Waves, Jordan
  • Claire Ancient
    University of Winchester, United Kingdom
  • Eric Brangier
    Université de Lorraine, France
  • Harry Budi Santoso
    Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Lorenzo Cantoni
    Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
  • Manuel Cota
    Universidad de Vigo, Spain
  • Silvia De los Rios
    Indra, Spain
  • Romi Dey
    One Design Community, India
  • Maria Escalona
    Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Marc Fabri
    Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
  • Zaiyan Gong
    Tongji University, P.R. China
  • Wei Liu
    Beijing Normal University, P.R. China
  • Zhen Liu
    South China University of Technology, P.R. China
  • Ricardo Lugo
    Tallinn University of Technology, Norway
  • Keith Owens
    University of North Texas College of Visual Arts & Design, United States
  • Freddy Paz
    Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru
  • Francisco Rebelo
    University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Christine Riedmann-Streitz
    MarkenFactory GmbH, Germany
  • Elizabeth Rosenzweig
    Brandeis University, United States
  • Patricia Search
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States
  • Dorothy Shamonsky
    Brandeis University, United States
  • Marcelo Soares
    Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
  • Qi Tan
    Central Academy of Fine Arts, P.R. China
  • Jörg Thomaschewski
    University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, Germany
  • Elisangela Vilar
    University of Lisbon, Portugal

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The HCI International Conference respects the decisions of all its contributors, engaged in any way, regarding their institutional affiliations and designations of territories, in all material / content published in its website, taking a neutral stance in relation to any disputes or claims. Moreover, the HCI International Conference fully concurs with the Territorial Neutrality Policy of Springer Nature, Publisher of its proceedings.